Marie's Everything Equine
Frequently Asked Questions about Horses
To ask a question, go to the contact page and leave a message. All messages are checked daily, and answered daily. If we don't know it, we will consult a vet, a trainer, or a farrier and then we will publish it! Don't be shy to ask questions! The more you ask, the more you know! And the more you know, the better you are able to care for your beloved furbabies!
What is massage therapy, Chiropractor, and physical therapy for horses?
Physical therapy for horses is basically the same thing as it is for humans, except it's a bit more complicated. The physical therapist (in humans) print off a list of exercises, give it to the patients, supply them with tools, and let them go... The physical therapist (in horses) print off the list of exercises, supply the tools, and they do most of the work. They stretch the horses legs, make them bend their legs, etc. And they monitor their progress that way. Chiropractors is basically what it is in humans as well. The chiropractor works on several points of a horse to help relieve muscle and bone soreness. A massage therapist massages certain points on a horse. Sometimes medical purposes (pulled muscles, torn tendons or ligaments, etc.). Sometimes it's done for warming up a horse before races, or other competitions.. And sometimes pampered horses get it just for special treatment!
Training Tips Please?
The first thing you need to know about training is that if you are a beginner.. PLEASE CONSULT PROFESSIONALS THROUGHOUT THE TRAINING TO MAKE SURE YOU DO IT RIGHT! To begin with. I recommend using the natural horsemanship methods of training horses. Be patient with the horse, and never punish a horse for not doing something. The horse don't speak English. You have to take the time to teach your horse to understand. For more information on training tips, go to the "Training" page from more details on training.
Do bits hurt horses?
Bits can hurt horses.. IF THEY ARE USED WRONG.. Bits don't hurt horses.. IF USED PROPER! It all depends on how you use them. Use them wrong, and it will hurt the horse. Use them proper, and it won't hurt them! Trust me.. I used to think that they hurt horses too, but after talking with Allegheny Equine's Vet Jessy Vandevender one Saturday, she said the same thing that I am saying now.
Can a horse get sick from eating plants?
It's possible. It depends on which plants though. Some plants are poisonous to horses, and can make them deathly sick. I recommend going to the "Poison For Horses" page to read up on different plants and for pictures to help identify them.