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Marie's Everything Equine
Size, Colors, Patterns, & Markings
Horses come in several sizes, several colors, with all kinds of different patterns and markings. Horses are measured in Hands High starting at the tip of the whithers and going down to the ground. One hand is approxiamtely 4 inches. A horse that measures 60 inches is 15 hands high (15 x 4 = 60) and a horse halfway between 15 and 16 hands is 15.2 hands, or 62 inches tall (15 x 4 + 2 = 62) Because the subdivision of a hand is a base 4 system, a horse 64 inches high is 16.0 hands high, not 15.4 hand high. There are miniature ponies, miniature horses, standard horses, and then larger horses called draft horses! A size chart is below along with a color chart, face marking charts, and leg marking charts.
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